Homeschool Articles:
Published in the Sept/Oct 2010 Issue
of Home Education Magazine:
We Are Not Jello--Put Away Your Mold
Donna M. Kilgore shares her often-humorous account of the challenges of trying to fit into a mold of proper homeschool methods, the realization that her family isn't at all typical, and the rewards of embracing the perfectly imperfect procedures that really work for her family.
Published in the Nov/Dec 2014 Issue
Donna M. Kilgore shares her often-humorous account of the challenges of trying to fit into a mold of proper homeschool methods, the realization that her family isn't at all typical, and the rewards of embracing the perfectly imperfect procedures that really work for her family.
Published in the Nov/Dec 2014 Issue
of Home Education Magazine:

Fast-forward four years: Even though I’d finally grasped the concepts of unschooling, self-led learning, and not having to fit into any kind of prefabricated mold…I couldn’t help feeling that the lack of structure in our unschooling homeschool would be our downfall.
When you finally learn that everything is a learning experience you can just sit back and relax right?
Not if you’re me. If you’re me, you totally lose control the minute you think you’ve finally gotten everything under control.