Available in E-book, Hardback, Paperback, and Audiobook

Available in E-book, Hardback, Paperback, and Audiobook

Story Snippets & Teasers

God's Grace Dog Rescues

God's Grace Dog Rescues
Help Save A Dog's Life 


GOD'S GRACE DOG RESCUES is D.M. Kilgore's very own death row dog rescue program.  D.M. spends countless hours seeking out dogs that have been scheduled to be euthanized in small high-kill shelters that are forced to euthanize animals due to a lack of space. She works tirelessly to find sponsors, foster homes, transport volunteers, and adopters to give each special dog their deserved forever home. She also works with trainers who teach the dogs to be service dogs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other special needs, as well as disabled veterans, and police officers.  
Currently D.M, has four wonderful special need's dogs that started as fosters but soon became her very own furbabies. Sadie has seizures, Black Jack is blind, Daisy only has 3 paws, and Sookie... well she's just all kinds of "special".


D.M. is only able to foster and place dogs for adoption due to generous donations from compassionate animal lovers around the globe. Over 60 dogs have been rescued and rehomed since God's Grace began in mid-July 2012.

NOTE: This beautiful artwork was provided by the talented artist Jessica Galbreth.
This is a copyright protected work and was used with the artist's express permission. 
It may not be used in any way without the artist's permission.
If you are reposting this to any website or page you must include her name, and link the artist's facebook page, as well as include the website link: The Vintage Angel / www.thevintageangel.com